Isabelle Fuhrman will be reprising the role of Esther in the newly announced Orphan 3, directed by William Brent Bell The fact that we received a prequel to...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 director Jeff Fowler says Keanu Reeves wanted to create a “very fan-faithful version” of Shadow. I continue to be surprised at just how well...
Outer Banks has been renewed for a fifth and final season at Netflix, with the second half of season 4 set to debut later this week. Deadline reports...
Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick will direct and star in Family Movie, a horror comedy which will also star their children. Kevin Bacon’s next movie will be a...
Sony has set a summer 2026 release date fourth Spider-Man, but the release date puts it in competition with Tom Holland’s Christopher Nolan film With Venom: The Last...
The free movies released through the JoBlo TV YouTube channel this week were A Wakefield Project, Blood Bags, and Painted in Blood Last month, JoBlo Media and Octane...
After many years of lying low following sexual misconduct allegations, James Franco is attempting a comeback. Before 2018, you couldn’t go more than a few months without at...
Catherine Corcoran, Bryce Hirschberg, and Alex Mandel star in the thriller Jackalope, which Hirschberg also directed Catherine Corcoran’s character Dawn was at the center of one of the...
Daisy Jones & The Six drew inspiration from the story of Fleetwood Mac, and Stevie Nicks has an idea for season 2 Last year, the Prime Video streaming...
The trailer for The Carpenter brings MMA, heavy metal, and Jesus into one movie. It’s the biblical epic you didn’t know you needed. It’s not every day you...