While he initially said he thought the Penguin series would be a one-off, Colin Farrell says he would be on-board for season 2.

In the weeks leading up to The Penguin’s debut on HBO, Colin Farrell was very vocal about his reluctance to return for a second season of the series, even going so far as to say, “I never want to put on that f’ing suit and f’ing head again.” However, this seems like it was all a ruse, with Farrell telling THR that he’s all in on a potential second season for The Batman spin-off. “If there’s a great idea [for season two], and the writing was really muscular and as strong or stronger on the page than it was the first season, of course I would do it.”
Farrell also recently stated that he’s heard The Penguin is in The Batman – Part II, but still hasn’t read the script. “I have no idea what the second film is gonna be. I heard Penguin features in it. I haven’t read it.” The Penguin has been a ratings smash for HBO, with many thinking Farrell and co-star Cristin Milioti are shoo-ins for potential Emmy recognition.
In the interview on THR, Farrell says his initial quotes about wanting to leave the role behind were taken out of context and were just him “bitching” to anyone who would listen. Farrell also says he’s pleased with how embraced the show has been by fans, saying, “for me, the bar for success is not very high. It’s, ‘Do most people like it?’ — just the simplicity of that. I love being in things that are critically approved — it’s much better than the alternative — but I’ve been around long enough [to know] that it’s the audience who are really the most important critics.”
The Penguin’s entire first season is now streaming on MAX. What did you think of the finale? Let us know in the comments!
Originally published at https://www.joblo.com/the-penguin-colin-farrell-would-be-on-board-for-season-2/