Members and Partners Flock to the LGBTQ+ Social Media Platform MollyTommy
MollyTommy, an LGBTQ+ Social Media Platform, has recently seen unprecedented growth within the first few months of 2023.


An LGBTQ+ social media platform.

MollyTommy, an LGBTQ+ Social Media Platform, has recently seen unprecedented growth within the first few months of 2023. Not only has the LGBTQ+ community embraced the online safe space, but also many large brands have partnered with MollyTommy.

MollyTommy touts that they are "The World's Preferred Safe and Inclusive Social Media Platform for Allies and Members of the LGBTQ+ Community." Many folks within the LGBTQ+ community feel traditional social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok is neither a welcoming nor a safe place to be their authentic selves, and GLAAD's 2022 Social Media Safety Index (SMSI) provides further data explaining 84% of LGBTQ+ adults stated there not enough protections on social media to prevent discrimination, harassment, or disinformation due to the amount of hate and persecution they experience on a regular basis. With MollyTommy's safeguards in place, it is no wonder membership has been growing.

Not only has the LGBTQ+ community taken notice, but many organizations and Convention and Visitors Bureaus have partnered with MollyTommy. MollyTommy is the only social media platform specifically serving the LGBTQ+ community in which advertisers can show their support and guarantee to be seen. Also, partnering with MollyTommy makes a great addition to many organizations' inclusive marketing goals.

Recently, PridePaysJust CorpsCruise PlannersPride Lending and St. Pete's Clearwater has partnered with MollyTommy. 

"We are so grateful and pleased with the support provided by our partners who understand the need for an LGBTQ+ safe space online. Also, by partnering with us, they are showing their solidarity within our diverse communities," said Tammy Kaudy, Co-Founder, MollyTommy.

MollyTommy is a free social media platform where LGBTQ+ communities, their friends, families, and businesses can unite with a sense of purpose and use their voices to engage with each other in a safe environment.

To join, visit 

Contact Information:
Heather Brown
Marketing Manager
[email protected]

Original Source: Members and Partners Flock to the LGBTQ+ Social Media Platform MollyTommy